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Rezaei Hasti Dehghani Yoshioka

Februar 1 @ 20:00 23:00

Sara Hasti – kamancheh
Arezou Rezaei – piano
Fatemeh Dehghani – oud
Jiro Yoshioka – cello |

Rezaei Hasti Dehghani Yoshioka

Kühlspot Social Club

Lehderstraße 74
Berlin, 13086
+49 1522 896 39 06
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In the Path of the Breeze
Arezou Rezaei, Sirius Quartet, Sara Hasti
In the Path of the Breeze
Arezou Rezaei, Sirius Quartet, Sara Hasti
The Spirit Afar
Fatemeh Dehghani
The Spirit Afar
Fatemeh Dehghani

Rezaei Hasti Dehghani Yoshioka @Kühlspot Social Club

Jazzclubs Berlin

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