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Viento Terral Quintett // Olvido Ruiz – Programmänderung

Februar 14 @ 21:00 23:59

Olvido Ruiz vocals
Thomas Böttcher piano, composition
Sergio Gomez bass
Javier Reyes drums

One Night of Buena Vista Perlas de Cuba
Olvido Ruiz, Lázara Cachao López
One Night of Buena Vista Perlas de Cuba
Olvido Ruiz, Lázara Cachao López

Viento Terral Quintett

Auf Grund einer plötzlichen Erkrankung des Posaunisten Andy Hunter, musste das Programm kurzfristig umgestellt werden.
Due to the sudden illness of trombonist Andy Hunter, the programme had to be changed at short notice.

Andy Hunter trombone
Thomas Böttcher piano
Juan Camilo Villa bass
Daniel Hahnfeld timbales
Sebastian Nickoll congas


Dircksenstraße 40
Berlin, 10178
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Viento Terral
Tunnel Visionaries
Viento Terral

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